YAG Laser technique for eye treatment in Turkey

YAG Laser technique for eye treatment in Turkey

YAG Laser: What is it?

The YAG laser is a particular type of laser that exploits the photochemical, photomechanical, and photothermal effect of laser light with a wavelength of 1064 nm, to transfer energy to the tissues, thus restoring the compromised energy balance.
The use of YAG laser treatment has several advantages including pain relief, reduction of inflammation, and resorption of edema.
This method can be used for the treatment of knee, epicondylitis, ophthalmology, and capillaries.

YAG Laser: eye treatments

The YAG laser is used on an outpatient basis to treat:

Secondary cataract

A secondary cataract is a frequent consequence of cataract surgery, characterized by the progressive opacification of the capsule that contains the artificial intraocular lens (which replaces the crystalline lens, the natural lens contained in our eye). The appearance of this fog leads to a gradual decrease in vision and can also appear a few months after the operation. Using the Nd: YAG Laser, the posterior capsule, which has become opaque, is pierced, creating a passage for the light: thus, the visual fog can be eliminated;, when operating on a cataract, the external envelope of the natural lens is maintained, a kind of thin membrane inside which the artificial lens then fits.

Angle-Closure Glaucoma

The reduction in the amplitude of the angle of the corneal iris causes an increase in intraocular pressure. Thanks to the Nd: YAG laser, one or more holes are made on the iris that facilitates the outflow of aqueous humor and, therefore, reduce intraocular pressure.

Open-angle glaucoma

In the forms of primary open-angle glaucoma, the Nd: YAG laser can be used to treat a structure of the eye, called the trabecular meshwork, which is used for the outflow of aqueous humor (selective laser trabeculoplasty SLT). This treatment is only recommended in forms of glaucoma refractory to medical treatment (which no longer responds to conventional treatment with eye drops). The treatment consists of hitting the trabeculae themselves with different laser spots: the liquid contained in the eye can flow out more easily and the pressure inside the eye is reduced.

How's the treatment going?

The intervention is outpatient. Those who undergo the treatment (after signing the informed consent) have numbing drops instilled in the eye to prevent pain. Subsequently, the ophthalmologist uses a lens to better observe the area to be operated on and therefore uses a light target to correctly direct the laser on the structures to be drilled. During the treatment, you may feel slight discomfort in the eyes. At the end of the treatment, anti-inflammatory eye drops are usually instilled. Additional medical and ophthalmological checks are necessary for the days following the operation.

What is the YAG Laser technique?

Mainly used to solve secondary cataract problems, the YAG laser technique is a minimally invasive refractive surgery technique performed on an outpatient basis.

The first phase of the operation consists of placing anesthetic drops inside the eye to avoid pain. Subsequently, the doctor uses a lens to better observe the area to be operated on and uses a laser beam directing it toward the posterior surface of the opacified capsule to create a small opening on the surface, release the optical axis and restore correct and sharp clear vision.


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