Genital warts and condylomas: Treatment options for men & women

Genital warts and condylomas: Treatment options for men & women

Genital warts in women and condylomata in men are common sexually transmitted infections. These conditions are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is spread through intimate contact. Although they can be embarrassing and uncomfortable, it's important to understand that these infections are treatable and that there are several treatment options available.

Genital warts in women and condyloma in men

Genital warts are skin growths that develop in the genital area of both men and women. They are generally benign lesions caused by certain strains of HPV.

These warts can appear in different forms, such as papules or fleshy tumors, and can vary in size and number. The size of warts can vary from a few millimeters to real, rough formations, commonly known as "cock's crests".

There is no difference between male and female warts: the macroscopic and microscopic characteristics are the same. Of course, their location differs between the sexes.

In women, warts are found on the external genitalia, inside the vagina, on the cervix, and around or inside the anus.

In men, condyloma may be visible on the penis, glans, scrotum, and around or inside the anus.

How are genital warts and condylomata spread?

Genital warts and condylomata are spread through intimate contact, especially during vaginal, anal, or oral sex, or by sharing sex toys. The virus is transmitted through contact with infected skin or mucous membranes. 

It's important to note that genital warts and condylomata can be transmitted even if there are no visible symptoms.

Diagnosis of Condyloma

A visual inspection is the first step in diagnosing a condyloma. If genital warts are located in the anal area, an anoscopy is performed to examine the anal canal. Male condylomas may require an urethroscopy to examine the urethral opening (urethra).

For women with condylomata, a thorough gynecologic examination with a cervico-uterine smear is essential. This allows cervical cells to be tested for the presence of papillomavirus.

The importance of screening and examination by a specialist should also be stressed to the sexual partners of those affected by condylomata.

Preventing genital warts and condylomata

The best way to prevent genital warts and condylomata is to:

  • Use condoms every time you have sex.
  • Have mutually monogamous sexual relations with an uninfected partner.
  • Get vaccinated against the most common strains of HPV.
  • Get regular screenings to detect any signs of infection so that preventive measures can be taken.

Genital Warts Treatment in Turkey

Warts are benign growths that heal without a trace if properly treated.

However, if they are underestimated and left untreated, the papillomavirus that causes them can be potentially carcinogenic.

Cryosurgery (using liquid nitrogen), injections, surgery, topical medication or laser treatment are all procedures that specialists in Türkiye use to safely remove genital warts.

The goal of most wart treatments is to eliminate the blood vessels responsible for feeding the wart.

However, permanent removal of persistent genital warts that are resistant to most treatments or other chemical agents works very well with laser treatment.


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