Aesthetic medicine & the treatment of the eye contour aging

Aesthetic medicine & the treatment of the eye contour aging

Eye contour: How to prevent aging?

The eye contour is a very delicate area of ​​the skin of the face, which poses a very frequent problem requiring treatment.

The eye area is continually subject to environmental aggressions (humidity, wind, cold/cold changes, etc.) and natural changes in facial expressions, so it tends to age faster than other skin parts.

The eye contour is the part of the face that is marked first. The skin, compared to the rest of the face, is thinner, and without fat. These three aspects combined with the natural aging of the skin, where collagen, elastin, and water drop, make this part more exposed to advanced aging.

What is the eye contour?

By eye contour, we mean the precise area that surrounds the eye, otherwise known as the periocular area. Compared to other parts of the face, we notice that the eye contour is specified by:

  • The skin surrounding the eyes is thinner (0.3 mm)
  • The number of hair follicles, eccrine (sweat) glands, and sebaceous glands are much lower
  • The elastic and collagen fibers found in the matrix of the dermis are not numerous
  • Lymphatic/blood circulation around the eye area is slow

Due to its particular distinctive characteristics, the skin around the eyes appears very susceptible to atrophy of interstitial fluids and blood; indeed, this part is drier and more permeable than the other regions of the face. All this is explained by a natural disposition to puffiness, wrinkles, and dark circles.

How to prevent the signs of aging

Whatever the type of skin, the critical eye area always needs super tender cosmetic care. Whether it's dry, oily, or mixed, it doesn't matter: this part is always sensitive. Remember that the skin around the eyes tends to resist chemical and physical attacks more often than other parts of the face. Moreover, it should not be forgotten that this part is more exposed to wrinkles, crow's feet, and imperfections typical of age: precisely to delay the appearance of these imperfections as much as possible, the anti-aging treatment aimed at the eye contour should already start around 28-30 years old.

It is advisable to give all due attention to this area, avoiding that a neglected eye contour ends up prematurely suppressing the natural radiance of the look. Of course, the perfect treatment to improve the appearance of the eye area and anticipate typical aging features must be specific to the skin type and correspond to the needs of the consumer.

Tips to avoid an eye contour covered in crow's feet wrinkles

You can avoid an eye contour through specific treatments and care. Like the Beauty Reset method, which acts for 90 minutes at 360° on the face and body. Concretely, this treatment will nourish, hydrate, detoxify and remineralize. Give a brighter, more compact, and relaxed look to the eye area.

Aesthetic medicine and eye contour

Imperfections such as folds under the eyes, crow's feet, cracks, and puffiness can be eliminated by resorting to aesthetic medicine. The most adopted solutions are:

  • Microneeding with refinements: micro-holes that allow giving collagen and elastin to the skin. The therapy is completely painless.
  • Botox: eliminates wrinkles and prevents their formation
  • Dermal fillers: ideal for eliminating the annoying purple effect around the eyes, aka dark circles
  • Eye peeling: treatment that uses nanotechnology


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