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Last update : 11/03/2024

Heroin Addiction Treatment in Turkey, Prices of Istanbul Clinics

Heroin is classified as the most addictive substance in the world, followed by cocaine and nicotine. Indeed, this drug easily creates addiction in its consumer, and it is difficult to get rid of it.

However, it is difficult, if not impossible, to break free from heroin addiction without the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist. The hospitals and clinics dedicated to heroin addiction treatment in Turkey are the best destination for your heroin withdrawal.

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Freeing yourself from heroin addiction at a clinic in Turkey: at what cost?

Turkey offers the best medical care on all levels. Its medical establishments are known for their compliance with global standards, their competent teams, and their competitive prices. The cost of a heroin detox stay in Turkey is bearable for everyone.

Indeed, there is no need to empty your bank account to offer yourself a detox cure. You can enjoy a quality treatment by saving up to 25% of your budget.

Get your personalized and free quote by contacting Turkey Santé advisers.

Best Clinics with Verified Reviews


NP Brain Hospital is the first private neuropsychiatric clinic in Turkey with the most sophisticated treatment possibilities, and is the second in Europe.

Also, it is the first psychiatric hospital accredited in the world by the prestigious JCI (American Joint Commission International).

Joint Commission International
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)


Joint Commission International
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ISO 9001:2008

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How does a person become addicted to heroin?

Heroin is a psychotropic substance that has sedative, pain-relieving, and euphoric effects. This drug is an opiate derived from morphine, a substance derived from opium.

Heroin is used primarily for medical purposes, but that does not prevent many people from using it illegally.

The body easily develops a tolerance toward this substance. Therefore, its frequent use leads to physical dependence.

What are the consequences of this addiction?

Heroin causes damage to the body. The consumption of this addictive substance causes brain damage, memory loss, and seizures. In the case of an overdose, heroin can cause vital body functions such as blood circulation or breathing to stop.

Other effects can be added to the consumption of this addictive substance such as:

  • Nausea
  • vomiting;
  • Tickling and itching;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Disappearance of the feeling of hunger;
  • decrease or increase in sexual desire;
  • Slowing of secretions (dry eye or constipation);
  • Vaginal dryness in women.

For an addict, the only concern is getting a new dose of heroin. He loses all his rationality. The need for the substance is so intense that the addicted subject uses all means to satisfy it. So he can become broke or turn to crime if he uses up all his savings.

Drug addiction destroys the addict as well as those around him. If you have witnessed the suffering of a loved one with the heroine, it must have been extremely difficult. However, be aware that with the help of a doctor, your loved one can return to their normal state.

With the help of Turquie Santé counselors, you can refer him to the best specialist in drug addiction treatment.

Treatment of heroin addiction in a hospital in Turkey: duration and stages

To rid a patient of his addiction to heroin, doctors take several steps that can be cited as follows:

The diagnostic stage

Of all the stages of treatment, this is the most important. The diagnosis makes it possible to know:

  • The degree of the patient's addiction;
  • The state of the patient's body and his mental health;
  • Complications resulting from drug use (disease screening);
  • The degree of patient engagement in his treatment.

Then, the doctors in charge develop a treatment program according to the diagnosis. The length of the program, withdrawal methods, psychotherapy, medication treatment, and rehabilitation also depend on the diagnosis.

If this one reveals the presence of an associated chronic disease, the patient is referred to a specialist doctor. This one will perform additional examinations and treatment depending on the disease in question.

Other exams such as MRI, ultrasound, endoscopy, cardiology, neurology, endocrinology, and infectious disease examinations may be done.

The detox phase

During this phase, the patient is put under general anesthesia to make his detoxification painless. Symptoms of withdrawal syndrome will decrease by 90% or subside completely after the first therapy. During this sleep, the patient's body will be strengthened with vitamins, amino acids, and minerals.

Ultra-rapid detoxification (UROD)

This modern method aims to speed up the body's purification process while reducing withdrawal symptoms. The addiction specialist uses this method when the diagnosis does not indicate any chronic disease. During this stage, the patient's body is put under anesthesia for six to eight hours a day. Then, he gradually receives opioid antagonists, medications that oppose the pharmacological action of opiates.

Upon awakening, the symptoms of the withdrawal crisis are considerably reduced.

The possible treatment

  • Neuro jet treatment

Our nerve cells naturally produce opioids to reduce the effects of shock, pain, and stress. For drug addicts, this mechanism is disturbed. The Neuro Jet is therefore an electronic device that stabilizes endogenous opioids such as endorphin.

  • Pharmacotherapy

During this phase, the doctor uses psychostabilizers, hypnotics, and antidepressants to reduce dysphoria (opposite of euphoria). These medicines also treat mood swings, nervousness, and sleep problems. Other medicines may be prescribed to improve the patient's metabolism such as lactic acid bacteria, amino acids, and vitamins.

  • Transair processing

The purpose of this treatment is to normalize the functions of the brain. It aims to reduce the patient's psychological problems and eliminate the need for drugs.

  • Treatment of psychological dependence

It is a treatment aimed at eliminating the desire for the drug at the subconscious level of the participant. During this stage, the patient is in a state of medical sleep under audio-visual stimulation. It receives short and impressive images sent from a computer through headphones and special glasses. This information acts on the patient's subconscious.

The result is the onset of a repulsion feeling in the patient towards drugs.

  • Individual psychotherapy

This therapy consists of providing psychological assistance to the patient. The psychotherapist helps the patient to eliminate any psychological problems which could have been at the origin of his addiction.

  • Family therapy

Addiction is a problem that can weaken families. This is the reason why drug treatment clinics in Turkey include family therapy.

During this therapy, the psychotherapist performs sessions with the whole family or with some of its members. Family therapy is psychological support based on the resolution of conflicts generated by drug consumption.

  • Physiotherapy

This therapy combines physical therapy with medical therapy and massages. The goal is to calm the body and stimulate the secretion of dopamine, its level being reduced in drug addicts.

Pharmacological blockade

At the end of treatment, a pharmacological blockade in the form of an implant is administered to the patient. This implant blocks the opioid receptors of the patient so that the drug no longer gives him the feeling of euphoria.

How do avoid relapse after treatment?

It is important to carry out monthly checks, during which the doctor evaluates the patient's condition and modifies his treatment if necessary. It is also recommended that the patient have implant protection for at least one year after discharge from the hospital.

The outpatient treatment helps to prevent the patient from relapsing and is carried out for twelve months after recovery.

Heroin addiction treatment in Turkey: what are the benefits?

Healthcare institutions specialized in the treatment of addiction in Turkey are engaged not to betray your trust. Professional secrecy of a medical nature is the oath that all healthcare professionals in Turkey take toward their patients.

As a result, all your steps can be taken with discretion. The people you allow to contact you can do so using a code.

Adding to this, your treatment will go smoothly. You will be treated with respect and you will not feel like you are locked up or being watched.

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Frequently asked questions

The length of time varies from patient to patient because not all human beings handle heroin the same way. Some patients will require more care than others and therefore more time.

For this, it is necessary to follow an outpatient treatment. This means that the patient should have regular check-ups for at least a year after remission.

Yes ! Clinics and hospitals in Turkey guarantee the secrecy of the personal data of their patients.

The quality of medical care offered in clinics and hospitals in Turkey is remarkable. The nursing staff are highly qualified. Healthcare facilities in Turkey are well-equipped and are recognized globally. Adding to this, the success rates of treatment for heroin addiction in clinics in Turkey are very high.

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