A mastoidectomy is a surgical procedure that removes diseased mastoid air cells. The mastoid is the part of your skull behind your ear which is full of cells in series. This is because the diseased cells are usually caused by an ear infection that has spread to the skull.
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People who have:
- An infection
- A cholesteatoma that has spread to the mastoid
- Numbness
- Discomfort
- Headache
- There will be bandages on your ear and stitches nearby.
- Stapedectomy
- Tympanoplasty
- Parotidectomy
- The intervention lasts three hours
- 98%
Treatment in Istanbul Turkey: Prices
Multidisciplinary Mastoidectomy Clinics provide specialist services in Turkey for medical conditions related to listening at competitive prices. Patients who pass through Turquie Santé receive a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment, with access to a targeted mastoidectomy therapy program.
Best Clinics with Verified Reviews

- Multispecialized hospital
- 7 operating rooms
- Capacity é of 170 beds

- Multispecialized hospital
- Hospital founded in 2007
- Very good reputation in ENT department

The mastoidectomy procedure helps further remove abnormal growths from the ears, a condition also known as cholesteatoma. This surgery is not common today because antibiotics are used to treat inflammation. However, this surgery is recommended when antibiotics are ineffective.

Mastoidectomy procedure surgery
A mastoidectomy is usually done to treat complications of chronic otitis media, which is a type of ear infection. This infection can lead to complications from cholesteatoma, a dermoid cyst. This cyst can grow over time and cause many other serious complications, including:
• Brain abscess
• Deafness
• Continuous drainage of the ear
• Meningitis
• Labyrinthitis
• Vertigo
• Damage to the facial nerve can lead to facial paralysis
Mastoidectomy can also be done to place a cochlear implant, which is a small, complex electronic device that can make you sound like you are severely deaf or have difficulty listening. Moreover, ear surgery can also remove abnormal tumors at the base of the skull.
Different types of mastoidectomy
Mastoidectomy is usually of different types, and the main differences include:
Simple mastoidectomy procedure
In this procedure, the surgeon opens the mastoid bone and removes any affected air cells. Then it dries your middle ear.
Radical mastoidectomy operation
The surgeon can remove the mastoid air cells, your eardrum, and most structures in your middle ear, as well as your ear canal. This procedure is usually considered when the mastoid disease is complex.
Modified radical mastoidectomy
It is a less serious form of radical mastoidectomy and involves the removal of mastoid air cells with only a few parts of the structures in the middle ear.
If you have had a radical or modified radical mastoidectomy, it is more likely that you have hearing loss.

The course of the surgical intervention in Istanbul Turkey
Before ear surgery procedure
Before having this procedure, it is important to stop taking any medicine that makes it difficult for the blood to clot, such as aspirin. Your doctor may ask you not to eat or drink anything after midnight the day before the procedure.
How does the mastoidectomy work?
The operation is usually performed under general anesthesia, so you will be asleep and unable to feel pain during the operation.
In general, the procedure consists of the following steps:
First, the surgeon will make an incision behind your ear so that you can access the mastoid bone. Then he uses a microscope and a small drill to pry it open. Through suction irrigation, it keeps the surgical area free from bone dust. Then the infected air cells will be excavated. When the surgeon finishes the operation, he will stitch the operation area back together and cover it with a bandage to keep the incision clean and dry.
During surgery, the surgeon may use a facial nerve appliance to limit injury to the facial nerve.
Ear surgery operation suites
After regaining consciousness you may experience numbness and discomfort as well as headaches. There will be bandages on your ear and stitches nearby.
Your doctor may prescribe pain relievers and antibiotics to treat any infections and ask you to make another appointment so they can examine wounds and remove dressings and stitches.
Your doctor should give you specific instructions regarding wound care and when to resume swimming or showering. Make sure to avoid all kinds of high-exertion activities for at least two to four weeks after that. Also, avoid putting too much pressure on your ear.
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