Turquie Santé

Liposuction in Turkey, Reviews & Cost of Istanbul Clinics

Liposuction is a surgical procedure used to treat areas of the body that are resistant to diet and exercise. It allows patients to get rid of excess fat in fat cells.

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Verified reviews of our patients for Liposuction

Who is this procedure for?
  • Patients with good elasticity of the skin
  • People in good health
  • Patients with excess fat and unable to lose weight
Side effects
  • Pain
  • Scarring
  • Swelling and bruising
Alternative treatments
Intervention or treatment's duration
  • Between 20 min to 1 hour per zone
Recovery time
  • Back to work 5 days after liposuction
  • Back to sports activities one month after the operation
  • Bruises disappear a few weeks after liposuction
  • Total convalescence 3 months after the operation
Success rate
  • 98%

What is liposuction?

Liposuction, a popular cosmetic surgery procedure, is an effective way to remove stubborn fat deposits from various parts of the body. It offers individuals the opportunity to achieve their desired body shape and boost their self-confidence.

The procedure removes excess body fat and reshapes areas of the body where fat tends to accumulate. 

It is an effective solution for eliminating fat deposits that won't go away with diet, exercise, or weight loss.

Liposuction techniques



Traditional liposuction

This technique involves making small incisions in the target area and using a cannula to suction out the fat.

  • Effective for removing large quantities of grease.

  • Affordable price.

Tumescent liposuction

A saline solution with an anesthetic is injected into the target area.

  • Reduces discomfort and bleeding.

  • Facilitates fat elimination.

Laser-assisted liposuction 

It uses a laser to break up fat cells before they are suctioned out.

  • Ideal for those seeking a less invasive method with quicker recovery.

  • Smaller incisions and more targeted liposuction.

  • Less painful than traditional liposuction.

  • Ultrasound-assisted liposuction 

It uses ultrasonic energy to liquefy grease, making it easier to remove.

  • Especially effective in areas that are difficult to treat with other methods.

  • Produces a more defined result.

  • Leaves finer scars.

Getting rid of fat: The areas concerned

The parts of the body that can be treated with liposuction are:

Although surgery is most often used for cosmetic body contouring, it can also be applied to reduce breast size in men (gynecomastia) or to eliminate lipomas (benign fatty tumors).

Liposuction Procedure in Istanbul, Turkey

In liposuction, a fine cannula connected to a suction device is inserted under the skin, and the surgeon uses appropriate maneuvers to cause the fat pads to burst.

When the suction is activated, small pieces of subcutaneous tissue containing adipocytes, blood, lymph, an amorphous substance, and other cells are aspirated and removed. Once the desired result is achieved, the treated area is bandaged to promote tissue remodeling. 

Liposuction in IstanbulTurkey is generally an effective, safe, and easy-to-use procedure. It is particularly suitable for patients with a stable body weight who are moderately overweight.

The procedure takes between 20 minutes and one hour, with an overnight hospital stay.

Liposuction for Men: Addressing Specific Concerns

Men, like women, can benefit from liposuction to improve their physique and address specific concerns. Popular areas of interest for men include the abdomen, love handles, chest (to treat gynecomastia),and neck.

Male liposuction techniques may differ slightly from those used for women. For example, male liposuction often focuses on muscle definition and sculpting, as men generally desire a more athletic appearance. A skilled surgeon can tailor the liposuction technique to achieve these specific goals, resulting in a well-defined, masculine result.

The postoperative period: what to expect?

After liposuction, proper post-operative care is essential to ensure optimal results. Here's what to expect during the recovery period:

  • Compression garments: Your surgeon will provide you with compression garments to wear to reduce swelling, support the treated areas, and aid in the healing process.
  • Bruising and swelling: This should disappear within a few weeks, and your surgeon may recommend pain medication to help ease any discomfort.
  • Physical activity: Your surgeon will tell you when it's safe to resume your normal activities, including exercise. It's important to return to physical activity gradually to avoid the risk of complications.
  • Follow-up visits: Regular follow-up visits with your plastic surgeon are essential to address any concerns and ensure a successful recovery.

Potential Risks

It is important to understand the potential risks associated with liposuction. Although complications are rare, it's important to discuss them with your plastic surgeon before the procedure. Some risks include

  • Infection: Although rare, you should follow your surgeon's instructions to minimize this risk.
  • Bleeding: Some bleeding is normal after liposuction. However, excessive bleeding may require medical attention.
  • Fluid imbalance: Liposuction involves the removal of fluids, which can sometimes cause an imbalance. Your surgeon will closely monitor and manage your fluid levels during the recovery process.
  • Skin irregularities: These include bumps or irregularities in contour. These can often be corrected with additional treatments, if necessary.
  • Numbness: Temporary numbness or altered sensation in the treated area is common, but usually disappears over time.

Liposuction cost in Turkey

With Turquie Santé, you can get in touch with hospitals in Istanbul, Turkey via our professional platform. Thus, we put at the disposal of our customers and patients an entire platform managed by experienced, highly qualified assistants on call 24 hours a day. Indeed, you can contact and chat directly with doctors specializing in liposuction and even benefit from a free online consultation.

Our platform also allows you to consult patient reviews and liposuction packages offered by our partner clinics in Turkey.

Turquie Santé team will provide you with the best prices thanks to its partnership with the best-equipped clinics in Istanbul, Turkey.

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Frequently asked questions

The average price of tummy tuck liposuction in Turkey is 2750 euros. However, this may vary from one clinic to another. You can submit your request online for a free teleconsultation and quote.

The aim of liposuction is not to lose weight but rather to reshape the body. The procedure is therefore effective for people who are 5 kilos overweight.

Patients who choose to undergo liposuction must have a body mass index (BMI) of no more than 25 with a stable weight.

Normally, those who suffer from localized fat deposits have more areas to reshape. Therefore, it is absolutely common that during liposuction our doctors work on several parts of the body. This allows you to have only one operation that is able to improve the body profile and save a lot of money.

The only scars that appear after liposuction are those caused by the incisions reaching fat deposits through cannulas. So, they are very small, making them invisible.

Yes, the fat removed during liposuction can be injected into other parts of the body as breasts and buttocks.

The age at which liposuction can be performed depends on the level of elastin in the skin. Optimal results are obtained before the elastin level in the skin decreases, i.e. before age 40.

It is during the 3 to 6 months following the operation that the skin regains its firmness and that the result is clearly visible.

It is true that liposuction is designed to eliminate accumulated fat permanently, however, a strong weight gain can cause the return of fat cells. For this reason, we advise you to maintain a stable weight with a healthy diet and regular physical activity.

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