Turquie Santé

Alarplasty (reduction of the nostrils) in Istanbul, Turkey, Prices & Clinics

In the quest for facial perfection, the nose assumes a pivotal role, serving as the central focal point of the face and a key factor in facial symmetry. Hence, if you are dealing with issues related to the shape of your nostrils, you have the option of undergoing an alarplasty procedure in Turkey.

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Alarplasty (reduction of the nostrils) Turkey
Who is this procedure for?
  • People with large, flared nostrils
Intervention or treatment's duration
  • Between 30 min and 1 h
Recovery time
  • Back to work after one week
  • Wound healing between 1 and 3 months
  • Final result noticeable after a month

What is an alarplasty?

Alarplasty or nostril reduction is a rhinoplasty technique indicated only for patients who have a congenitally very wide nostril.

In most cases, the defect consists of oversized and flared nostrils that cause excessive width of the base of the nose.

A plastic surgeon will then reduce the nasal wings by rotating them inward to narrow the nostrils and obtain a thinner, more pleasing nose.

The course of the wide nostril reduction procedures

Usually, and according to classic beauty standards, the width of the nose should be equal to the distance between the inner part of the eyes.

The nasal wing reduction procedure consists of reducing both the width and the length of the nasal wings by removing a small corner of the lateral skin.

The wing reduction is performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the extent and complexity of the case. It is a minimally invasive procedure that takes between 30 minutes and 1 hour.

Post-operative healing

The incisions are located in the groove that exists between the nasal wing and the cheek, so it is perfectly hidden and is 5 millimeters long.

The meshes are absorbable and do not need to be removed, as they detach themselves after a few days.

Advantages of an alarplasty in Turkey

Alarplasty is a procedure that corrects the problem of a wide nose. It acts on the nasal wings by reducing the width and keeping the size of the nostrils proportionate to the dimensions of the patient's face.

Therefore, this surgery allows you to reduce the nostrils by removing a small part of the lateral skin of each nostril, managing to reduce both the width and length of the nostrils.

Several advantages of this procedure:

  • Aesthetically pleasing shape and texture.
  • Harmonious volume.
  • Natural results in the short and long term.
  • Virtually invisible incisions.

At our partner clinics in Istanbul, Turkey, we offer you the best solution for correcting the asymmetry of your nose by changing the shape and size of the nostrils through an alarplasty.

You will be able to establish harmony and balance in your facial appearance at low prices in Turkey.

Post-operative phase

Wing reduction surgery, unlike rhinoplasty, does not involve bone reshaping. This not only reduces the amount of pain, bruising, and swelling but also shortens the time needed to heal completely. The typical recovery time is two weeks, most patients return to work within a week of their alarplasty.

The nose, more than any other tissue, tends to maintain swelling longer. Any remaining swelling, even if undetectable, may take three to six months to completely disappear. Scarring, on the other hand, is not visible due to its placement, even after your alarplasty. Your scar will fade over time.

Nostrils reduction: Prices & best clinics in Istanbul, Turkey

The final cost of the wing reduction surgery depends on several criteria:

  • The plastic surgeon chosen
  • The shape of the nose
  • The extent of the treatment, etc.

However, alarplasty is less expensive than rhinoplasty, which involves the entire nose.

The price of an alarplasty will include the surgeon's fees, as well as the hospitalization and care team fees.

Most people who have had an alarplasty in Istanbul, Turkey have been satisfied with the results.

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Frequently asked questions

The size reduction of nostrils is based on a resection of excess skin located in the nasal wings. Minimizing the size of the nasal openings can also bring the nostrils closer together.

The price of an alarplasty in Istanbul, Turkey varies between 1600 euros and 2200 euros. The cost of the procedure depends on the patient's needs and expectations. The surgery can be limited to a simple procedure or combined with other aesthetic and functional procedures. To obtain a personalized and customized estimate, you have to click on the button: get a free consultation and our Turquie Santé team will take care of the rest.

Alarplasty is mainly dedicated to black-skinned people or Asians who have wide and flattened nostrils (indications for an ethnic rhinoplasty). A good candidate for alarplasty usually has overly flared nostrils that affect facial appearance.

Complications that can occur with alarplasty include the risk of bleeding, bruising, and infection. However, any side effects can be mitigated and treated with post-operative care.

Turquie Santé will accompany you throughout your search, from the request for a free estimate to the post-operative care and follow-up. Our team's mission is to select for you the best surgeons specialized in cosmetic surgery in Turkey who will ensure that your surgery meets your expectations. They will be at your side to make your dreams come true in the best conditions and within certified clinics.

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Alarplasty (reduction of the nostrils)

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